
Last updated: September 10, 2024

Under Review

[J13] Deep Activity Model: A Generative Approach for Human Mobility Pattern Synthesis

Xishun Liao, Brian Yueshuai He, Qinhua Jiang, Yifan Liu, Chenchen Kuai, and Jiaqi Ma*

Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems


[J12] A Review of Personalization in Driving Behavior: Dataset, Modeling, and Validation

Xishun Liao*, Zhouqiao Zhao, Matthew J. Barth, Amr Abdelraouf, Rohit Gupta, Kyungtae Han, Jiaqi Ma, and Guoyuan Wu

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (Early Access)

[J11] Game Theoretic Application to Intersection Management: A Literature Review

Ziye Qin, Ang Ji, Zhanbo Sun*, Guoyuan Wu, Peng Hao, and Xishun Liao

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (Early Access)

[J10] Mobility AI Agents and Networks

Haoxuan Ma, Yifan Liu, Qinhua Jiang, Brian Yueshuai He, Xishun Liao*, and Jiaqi Ma

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 5124-5129

[J9] Foundation Intelligence for Smart Infrastructure Services in Transportation 5.0

Xu Han, Zonglin Meng, Xin Xia, Xishun Liao, Yueshuai He, Zhaoliang Zheng, Yutong Wang, Hao Xiang, Zewei Zhou Letian Gao, Lili Fan, Yuke Li, and Jiaqi Ma*

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 39-47

[C19] NUMOSIM: A Synthetic Mobility Dataset with Anomaly Detection Benchmarks

Chris Stanford, Suman Adari, Xishun Liao, Yueshuai He, Qinhua Jiang, Chenchen Kuai, Jiaqi Ma, Emmanuel Tung, Yinlong Qian, Lingyi Zhao, Zihao Zhou, Zeeshan Rasheed, and Khurram Shafique

32nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems

[C18] Semantic Trajectory Data Mining with LLM-Informed POI Classification

Yifan Liu, Chenchen Kuai, Xishun Liao*, Haoxuan Ma, Brian Yueshuai He, and Jiaqi Ma

IEEE 27th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (Best Paper Award)

[C17] Reconstructing Human Mobility Pattern: A Semi-Supervised Approach for Cross-Dataset Transfer Learning

Xishun Liao, Qinhua Jiang, Yifan Liu, Haoxuan Ma, Chenchen Kuai, Brian Yueshuai He, Shangqing Cao, Chris Stanford, and Jiaqi Ma*

Transportation Research Board 104th Annual Meeting

[C16] Human Mobility Modeling with Limited Information via Large Language Models

Yifan Liu, Xishun Liao*, Haoxuan Ma, Brian Yueshuai He, Chris Stanford, and Jiaqi Ma

Transportation Research Board 104th Annual Meeting

[C15] An Attention-Based Multi-Context Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Neural Network for Work Zone Traffic Impact Prediction

Qinhua Jiang, Xishun Liao*, Yaofa Gong, and Jiaqi Ma

Transportation Research Board 104th Annual Meeting

[P1] Profile modeling

Xishun Liao, Shashank Mehrotra, Chun-Ming Samson Ho, and Teruhisa Misu

U.S. patent application 17/869,426, Published Jan. 2024


[J8] Driver Digital Twin for Online Prediction of Personalized Lane Change Behavior

Xishun Liao*, Xuanpeng Zhao, Ziran Wang, Zhouqiao Zhao, Kyungtae Han, Rohit Gupta, Matthew J. Barth, and Guoyuan Wu

IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 15, pp. 13235–13246

[J7] A Real-World Data-Driven Approach for Estimating Environmental Impacts of Traffic Accidents

Xishun Liao*, Guoyuan Wu, Lan Yang, and Matthew J. Barth

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 117, p. 103664

[C14] Deep Activity Model: A Generative Deep Learning Approach for Human Mobility Pattern Synthesis

Brian Yueshuai He, Xishun Liao, Qinhua Jiang, Chenchen Kuai, Jiaqi Ma*

Transportation Research Board 103rd Annual Meeting

[C13] Exploring Vehicular Interaction from Trajectories Based on Granger Causality

Xishun Liao*, Guoyuan Wu, Matthew J. Barth, Rohit Gupta, and Kyungtae Han

IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)

[C12] Inverse Reinforcement Learning and Gaussian Process Regression-based Real-time Framework for Personalized Adaptive Cruise Control

Zhouqiao Zhao*, Xishun Liao, Amr Abdelraouf, Kyungtae Han, Rohit Gupta, Matthew J. Barth, Guoyuan Wu

IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)

[C11] Improving Truck Merging at Ramps in a Mixed Traffic Environment: A Multi-human-in-the-loop (MHuiL) Approach

Xuanpeng Zhao*, Xishun Liao, Guoyuan Wu, Kanok Boriboonsomsin, Matthew J. Barth

IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)

[C10] Real-time Learning of Driving Gap Preference for Personalized Adaptive Cruise Control

Zhouqiao Zhao*, Xishun Liao, Amr Abdelraouf, Kyungtae Han, Rohit Gupta, Matthew J. Barth, Guoyuan Wu

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)

[C9] Driver Digital Twin for Online Prediction of Personalized Lane Change Behavior

Xishun Liao*, Xuanpeng Zhao, Ziran Wang, Zhouqiao Zhao, Kyungtae Han, Rohit Gupta, Matthew J. Barth, and Guoyuan Wu

Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting


[J6] Evaluating Cybersecurity Risks of Cooperative Ramp Merging in Mixed Traffic Environments

Xuanpeng Zhao, Ahmed Abdo, Xishun Liao, Matthew J. Barth, and Guoyuan Wu*

IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 52-65

[J5] Game Theory-Based Ramp Merging for Mixed Traffic with Unity-SUMO Co-Simulation

Xishun Liao*, Xuanpeng Zhao, Ziran Wang, Kyungtae Han, Prashant Tiwari, Matthew J. Barth, and Guoyuan Wu

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 5746–5757

[J4] Cooperative Ramp Merging Design and Field Implementation: A Digital Twin Approach Based on Vehicle-to-Cloud Communication

Xishun Liao*, Ziran Wang, Xuanpeng Zhao, Kyungtae Han, Prashant Tiwari, Matthew J. Barth, and Guoyuan Wu

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 4490–4500

[J3] Co-Simulation Platform for Modeling and Evaluating Connected and Automated Vehicles and Human Behavior in Mixed Traffic

Xuanpeng Zhao, Xishun Liao, Ziran Wang, Guoyuan Wu, Matthew J. Barth, Kyungtae Han, and Prashant Tiwari

SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles, vol. 5, no. 4

[J2] A Systematic Review of Autonomous Emergency Braking System: Impact Factor, Technology, and Performance Evaluation

Lan Yang, Yipeng Yang*, Guoyuan Wu*, Xiangmo Zhao, Shan Fang, Xishun Liao, Runmin Wang, and Mengxiao Zhang

Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2022, Article ID 1188089

[C8] Driver Profile Modeling Based on Driving Style, Personality Traits, and Mood States

Xishun Liao*, Shashank Mehrotra, Samson Ho, Yuki Gorospe, Xingwei Wu, and Teruhisa Mistu

IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)

[C7] Online Prediction of Lane Change with a Hierarchical Learning-Based Approach

Xishun Liao*, Ziran Wang, Xuanpeng Zhao, Zhouqiao Zhao, Kyungtae Han, Prashant Tiwari, Matthew J. Barth, and Guoyuan Wu

International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

[C6] Estimating the Impacts of Automatic Emergency Braking Technology on Traffic Energy and Emissions

Xishun Liao*, Guoyuan Wu, Lan Yang, Matthew J. Barth

Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting


[C5] A Game Theory Based Ramp Merging Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in the Mixed Traffic: A Unity-SUMO Integrated Platform

Xishun Liao*, Xuanpeng Zhao, Guoyuan Wu, Matthew J. Barth, Ziran Wang, Kyungtae Han, and Prashant Tiwari

Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting


[J1] Driver Behavior Modeling using Game Engine and Real Vehicle: A Learning-Based Approach

Ziran Wang*, Xishun Liao, Chao Wang, David Oswald, Guoyuan Wu, Kanok Boriboonsomsin, Matthew J. Barth, Kyungtae Han, BaekGyu Kim, and Prashant Tiwari

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 738–749

[C3] Cooperative Ramp Merging with Vehicle-to-Cloud Communications: A Field Experiment

Xishun Liao*, David Oswald, Ziran Wang, Guoyuan Wu, Kanok Boriboonsomsin, Matthew J. Barth, Kyungtae Han, BaekGyu Kim, and Prashant Tiwari

Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting

[C2] End-to-End Vision-Based Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Zhensong Wei*, Yu Jiang, Xishun Liao, Xuewei Qi, Ziran Wang, Guoyuan Wu, Peng Hao, and Matthew J. Barth

Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting

[C1] A Digital Twin Paradigm: Vehicle-to-Cloud Based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Ziran Wang*, Xishun Liao, Xuanpeng Zhao, Kyungtae Han, Prashant Tiwari, Matthew J. Barth, and Guoyuan Wu

IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring)

Book Chapter

[B1] Driver Behavior-Aware Cooperative Ramp Merging for Intelligent Vehicles

Xishun Liao*, Xuanpeng Zhao, Ziran Wang, Matthew J. Barth, Guoyuan Wu, and Kyungtae Han

Towards Human-Vehicle Harmonization, vol. 3, pp. 193 – 210, De Gruyter

Technical Reports

[R2] Connectivity-Based Cooperative Ramp Merging in Multimodal and Mixed Traffic Environment

Guoyuan Wu*, Xuanpeng Zhao, Xishun Liao, Kanok Boriboonsomsin, Matthew J. Barth

METRANS Transportation Center in California, 2022

[R1] Estimating the Impacts of Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) Technology on Traffic Energy and Emissions

Guoyuan Wu*, Xishun Liao, Lan Yang, Matthew J. Barth

Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center (UTC), 2021